Is Dell moving out of China?

Why Dell Ditching Chinese Chips Is Great, but Not Enough

Dell announced at the start of the year that it intends to stop using semiconductors made in China by 2024 – and that it is encouraging its suppliers also to reduce their dependence on Chinese components. This is great. It is a sign of a major US company waking up to the risks posed by reliance on China.Jan 18, 2023
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How to know if a laptop is outdated?

5 Signs It Is Time To Upgrade a Computer |

5 Signs It Is Time To Upgrade a ComputerOutdated Operating System. ... A Loud Fan and Noisy Processor. ... Slow Laptop Performance. ... Processing Errors and Malfunctions. ... The Device Is Old.Nov 27, 2023
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Should I get 8 GB or 16 GB RAM?

How much RAM do you need for a laptop, gaming PC, or tablet?

Generally, we recommend 16GB as the right amount of RAM for most people. However, the specific amount of RAM you'll need will depend on what your computing needs are and what your budget will allow. If you know you'll just be a casual user and don't plan on gaming or editing video much, 8GB of RAM should be enough.Mar 8, 2024
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Is 64GB RAM overkill for gaming?

Is 64GB of ram overkill for a gaming PC :: Hardware and Operating ...

64gb is 2x overkill. Yes, I would not go higher then 32 GB to be on the safe side with future releases, just very little point in 64 GB for gaming currently. So if that system is going to last you a while may as well go for 32 if able. 16gb is plenty.
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Can a Chromebook do everything a laptop can?

Chromebook Vs Laptop: Exact Difference and Which is Better?

These devices are also generally lighter and thinner than many laptop models. However, Chromebooks may not do everything that a laptop can do, as they tend to have limited storage space and processing power compared to most laptops.
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What are the disadvantages to a Chromebook?

What are the advantages & disadvantages of Chromebooks

Storage Capacity: Chromebooks usually don't have a lot of storage space built in. They tell people to store their files in the cloud, but some people might need more local storage for some chores. Support for tools: Chromebooks might not work with all external devices or tools that work well with other OSes.Nov 20, 2023
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